Had to take this one for those Clemson fans out there.
This is where I want to live…”Mom’s Off Duty”!
Apparently Vera Bradley lives here.
Charlie strolls through the croquet field. You should be laughing really hard right now. Us, croquet?!!!!
Condiments, anyone?
I have an obsession with quotation marks. I’m not sure what they really mean about “organic”. Do you?
This is my kind of store!
I’ll give you a high-five if you can tell me who this looks like.
Charlie fiddled with his new fishing pole for hours.
Grandma and Charlie enjoy a nice game of frisbee, or fris-a-bee as Ryan calls it.
I get this look from him a lot.
This is what a $10 ice cream cone looks like. Better take a good hard look. It’ll never happen again.
I could not capture this moment very well. Ryan’s tooth came out in a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich. I was so excited I couldn’t even take a picture properly.
A family was having their pictures taken on the beach. I snagged this shot but felt really bad about intruding on their time. Wish I would’ve just asked if I could take some more of them. It was a gorgeous night and they all looked pretty cool in their white shirts and jeans.
Uncle Ron and Aunt T take a minute to pose for a picture.
So do grandma and grandpa.
So do Ryan and Charlie.
I got in on the action too.
T likes to take pictures as much as I do.
Who knew that jellyfish come in all colors and sizes? Not me!
Ignore the boogers in the nose. I would Photoshop them out, but I don’t have PSE anymore. :(
What a perfect night!
I think this shot epitomizes Ryan. He’s always on the move and usually has a stick or gun or light saber or something else in this hand.
It’s getting sad now.
This was my parting gift…a dragonfly on the beach!!
So long Seagrove Beach. We’ll see you next year!
I think it looks like Maxine! Lovely pictures as always!