Sunday, August 28, 2011

Proud Moments

I’ve realized I tend to complain about my children more that I should. They are true gifts from God and they are just terrific little kiddos. I’m going to try to change my frame of mind and focus more on the great things they do instead of the little aggravating things they do.
When I think back about my week and what I’m proud of them for, two things come to mind.
My heart melted at church on Saturday night when Ryan was reciting the Affirmation of Faith (Apostles’ Creed) with such conviction. It literally brought a tear to my eye and made me realize that he is now not just going to church and praying and reading the bible/devotions because I “make” him, but because that is now placed on his heart. 

One thing that Charlie did this week that really made me smile is telling his brother all about the book we’re reading called, “The Whipping Boy”. Charlie and Ryan then made up a game based on the characters and setting. Charlie remembered everything we talked about from the book and did an awesome job retelling the story to Ryan.
Have a great week ya’ll!

1 comment:

  1. Cute photos. I love your new header photo too.


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