Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Name That Theme

These pictures are SOOC (straight out of camera shots) and not great, but there is a theme here. These were taken at EdVenture Children’s Museum. Can you name the theme?
  071 073 168084 039095 099 116 119 139  153 156141 165
Have you guessed it yet?

I'm linking up at Wordless Wednesday and 5 Minutes for Mom.


  1. That place looks FUN. I take my kids to the science museum here a lot- but that one looks extra fun. In from 5m4m, thanks! www.BreeBee.com

  2. Where ever that is...my boy would love it too!

    Happy WW

  3. I love the exploring. This looks like a wonderful museum.

  4. Busy?
    Great shots, whatever the theme!

  5. It's got to be movement! Either that, or fun, because they look like they're having a blast.

    Thanks so much for stopping by the other day and taking the time to write such a heartfelt post. I feel pretty confused right now, and there's something incredibly comforting about knowing someone out there really gets it. Peace to you and your beautiful family!

  6. Boys on the move, I'd say! My little ones would love this!

  7. I'm guessing the theme is action? Looks like they had a blast!

  8. Drum roll please....the theme was "younger brother never stands still enough for mom to take a picture!" Or movement, business, or active would fit too!

  9. Oh yes...you went to EdVenture, too? Well, my last blogpost was on our adventure...only it didn't capture the fun like yours did ;). Glad you had fun.


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